Alternatives to Moonfruit and Wix

Looking at alternatives to Moonfruit or Let’s think about this shall we.

Free or very cheap websites like Moonfruit and Wix may seem very appealing but surely not for your business? With the recent cyber attack on Moonfruit has highlighted the fact that as a business you should have your own website where you control what happens to it.

It may seem simple to create a website for very little cost and if that’s how you value your online presence then you need to stop reading any further.

We’ll happily give you a cheap website, but what next? Adding pictures, dragging them in to place adding some text and hey presto, you have a nice looking website. It’s the same as having a nice brochure or business card, these things are useless if you don’t hand them out or send them in the post. Getting people to actually read your business card or website is the key to some success, otherwise what’s the point? There are billions of webpages creating another one doesn’t suddenly equal new business.

Creating or finding an audience is the key to a successful website and that takes someone with knowledge something not provided by Moonfruit or Wix. Find a company that understands search engine marketing (SEM) and pay them I’m sure the majority would even throw in a free website!